API Gateway **Enable CORS** option disable? can we switch to old API Gateway console?


Hi Fam,

In my API Gateway Enable CORS option is disabled,

can we switch back to Old API Gateways Console?

asked 9 months ago597 views
1 Answer
Accepted Answer


You can enable CORS without reverting to the old console by following the steps in the document below.
Please select the resource when enabling it.

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answered 9 months ago
profile pictureAWS
reviewed 9 months ago
  • Hi Riku thanks for help, i have tried that but the issue is that Enable CORS Button is disabled?

  • Do resources have methods? CORS cannot be set if there is no method as shown below. a
    If there is a method, you can set it. b

  • Its worked @Riku thank you so much for you help its appreciated!

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