I've added AWS A & AAA record on Cloudflare domain. Do I still need to add AWS' CNAME on Cloudflare?


My domain is registered with Cloudflare and I've added AWS A & AAA record on Cloudflare. Do I still need to do the AWS CDN? Do I still need to add AWS' CNAME on Cloudflare?

  • What do you exactly want to achieve with the domain and aws.

  • Yeah, what are you trying to acheive... What A and AAAA records did you create?

  • I'm trying to host a Wordpress site (samuelOla.com) on AWS Lightsail. My domain name is registered to Cloudflare. On Cloudflare, you can't add custom Nameservers unless you subscribe to business ($20/month). So, because of that, I added my AWS Lightsail's A and AAA record on Cloudflare. Should I proceed to create a CDN on AWS Lightsail and add the records on Cloudflare? Or, what next step should I take to complete my Wordpress setup.

asked a year ago395 views
1 Answer
Accepted Answer

Actually there is a blog entry by Will Park that provides this in a step-by-step easy to follow instructions:

The blueprint provided by the blog entry, has you set up:

  • AWS LightSail
  • AWS Route 53
  • A free Cloudflare Account.

Hope this helps!

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answered a year ago
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reviewed 3 months ago
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reviewed 10 months ago

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