SES account sending disabled


Today I found my ses account (in eu-west-1) disabled for the second time, I can't figure out why. I searched everywhere, I didn't receive any warnings of a disabled or suspended account, on the Ses dashboard the system is healthy, the non-delivery and complaint parameters are well below the warning levels. For now I'm enabling the account using these commands: But if I don't find out the causes the account will be disabled again. How can I understand what is happening? Thanks

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asked a year ago411 views
1 Answer


Please check this re-post for more insights on why the account may have been paused.

You may have to request a review and work with support team to get to the root cause of the issue. Hope the above link helps.

answered a year ago
  • Thank you for your suggestion. Unfortunately I still don't understand what the cause is, the bounce rate and complaint rate are excellent, I have not received any email from AWS and no case has been opened. It doesn't look like a break, but I found account sending disabled, after running the command aws ses update-account-sending-enabled --enabled --region <REGION> it enables, but it will probably happen again if you don't figure out the causes.

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