Waveform gui pop-up using Vitis ami on AWS.


I cannot pop up GUI when I use mobaxterm if I set emulation debug=gui in Amazon AMI here https://aws.amazon.com/marketplace/pp/prodview-hxbanceez6tso.

It should pop up if I set it when I do HW emulation since it is really important if I suspect something is wrong with the software or other setting.

I follow the instructions here just in case you loss.


And the example I use is the one here


asked a year ago293 views
1 Answer

Hello, Can you check if the same issue occurs with any other SSH Client other than MobaXterm ? If this isn't SSH Client specific issue then this looks specific to the developers AMI. Since the AMI is owned by AMD Xilinx. Checking with Xilinx Support Community should help: https://support.xilinx.com/

answered a year ago

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