Trying to Merge Child-Root account to Root (Management) Account


In our organization hierarchy we have our Root account (Management Account) and a child root-account. I want to be able to merge or move everything from the child root-account to the Root Management Account. When I try to move the account, I get duplicate account error.

The issue is the Management Account cannot see the resources being deployed on the child root-account such as S3 Buckets.

Is there a policy I can create that will allow the Management Account to see the resources or is there a way for me to move all resources from the child root-account to the Root Manager Account?

Also, would like to delete the child root-account. When you log into Organization and you look at root, you have the management account and then other accounts that can be signed into as root user.

  • Hi,

    Currently, you can have only one root account. AWS Organizations automatically creates it for you when you create an organization. Could you please clarify what you mean by child root account ?

    Cheers! Prince Arora

1 Answer

You will not be able to see resources in the child accounts from the management account. This is not how Organisations work in AWS.

Please reffer to the documentation regarding AWS Orgs

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answered 2 years ago

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