Ghost lightsail istance - Mixed content HTTPS HTTP


Hi there,

After successfully setting up my Ghost Lightsail instance and following the Ghost getting started guide, I've encountered an issue. Despite setting up everything, including the SSL certificate, the website is fully running via HTTPS, but I'm experiencing issues with fetching content such as header images and logos, which are all fetched using HTTP.

Upon reading the Ghost documentation, I ran ghost config get url and found that my domain was I then attempted to update the Ghost configuration by running ghost config url && ghost restart, it indeed updated the domain with https:// but unfortunately, Ghost was unable to restart and provided an error.

Referring to the Lightsail Ghost documentation, I used sudo /opt/bitnami/ restart to successfully reboot my Ghost.

However, now the website no longer works. Whenever I try to access, it redirects me to

It's frustrating that this issue occurred, especially considering that the blueprint Lightsail instances should be bulletproof and ready to use. Could anyone provide assistance on what steps I should take next to resolve this problem? Thank you.

asked a year ago370 views
1 Answer


Greetings for the day!

I tried replicating the issue in my test environment and I was able to run the ghost config url command and for my Lightsail, the redirection issue did not occur. However I tired researching on your issue and I found below articles which might be useful :

Note : It is recommended to take a backup of your LightSail instance before performing any changes in it. Thank you

answered a year ago
reviewed a year ago

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