S3 Intelligent tiering and object versioning


Given: A bucket has versioning enabled. An object (say, 200kB size) has been created. It has then been overwritten a couple times. (Both >200kB). Then, time has passed and the intelligent tiering has been invoking its steps.

Will the versions all transition too, depending on when they were each created ? If only the latest version has been accessed lately, will the previous versions each independently transition ? Any changes if the latest version is a deleted marker ?

I cant find references to intelligent tiering in AWS S3 versioning documentation. I cant find references to versioning in AWS S3 intelligent tiering documentation. Hence the question.
My guess is that the versions behave independently, but for ease of use, AWS may have made all versions have the same storage class at a given time...

asked 2 months ago475 views
1 Answer

Documentation here for transitioning objects might be helpful -

Supported transitions and related constraints

Transition of Versions:

When Intelligent-Tiering is enabled, the service will independently transition each version of the object to the Infrequent Access tier if the version has not been accessed for 30 consecutive days. This means that even if the latest version of the object is being accessed regularly, the older versions may still be moved to Infrequent Access if they have not been accessed in 30 days.

answered 2 months ago

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