cloudfront - want manipulate browsers to break the cache and retrieve a resource again from cloudront


cloudfront - want manipulate browsers to break the cache and retrieve a resource again from cloudront is there a way to do it from cloudfront end ? maybe something with response headers ?

  • Please provide more details. Its not clear

asked a year ago325 views
1 Answer

Hi Ronen, You can specify the minimum, default, as well as the maximum cache duration in the CloudFront cache. CloudFront will use these settings, and compare them with values in the responses coming from origins, as passed with Cache-Control's max-age, s-maxage, or based on the date specified in the Expires header.

Now, when a client makes a request to CloudFront, CloudFront will respect the settings specified in the Cache policy. This is both for performance (better cache utilization) as well as security reasons to protect your origin - most of our customers don't want their origins to be abused by external actors if CloudFront behavior was configured to always cache the responses.

CloudFront documentation specifies that "You cannot use the HTTP Cache-Control or Pragma header fields in a GET request from a viewer to force CloudFront to go back to the origin server for the object. CloudFront ignores those header fields in viewer requests." We don't have options currently to disable this behavior.

answered a year ago
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reviewed 10 months ago

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