Accessing FSX Caches Created on top of S3 Bucket from Windows Ec2 or some Onprem machine


Hi Team,

Can you please help us understand if we can access FSx Cache (cacheType : Lustre) can be accessed as UNC Path or Windows File Share. I checked the below guide and cannot find anything relevent to windows.

Objective : To access S3 Files using windows UNC Path (Map UNC path to S3) Basically we have some Petabyte data in UNC share and We want to utilize s3 as storage ,with minimal changes or no changes to existing setups (It uses Windows Share to access files).

Note : We are did some POCs on FSX for Windows File Server but that is not serving the purpose as it is costly.

Thanks, Sharez

2 Answers

To access Lustre cache you need Lustre client application and it is not available for Windows. To see the list of compatible Kernels you can refer to this link.

There is a possibility to use AWS Tools for Windows PowerShell to access S3 files directly from powershell command but in Petabyte scale this might not be a performant solution. You cannot use Windows UNC Path directly.

answered a year ago
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reviewed a year ago

First, Amazon FSx for Lustre is a file system optimized for fast processing of compute-intensive workloads. It is typically accessed from Linux-based systems and used in high-performance computing, machine learning, and media data processing workflows​. This doesn't mean it cannot be accessed from a Windows system, but the typical use cases are Linux-oriented.

Second, for Windows environments, Amazon provides Amazon FSx for Windows File Server and Amazon FSx File Gateway. FSx for Windows File Server provides a fully native Windows file system in the cloud with full Server Message Block (SMB) protocol support, meaning it can be accessed from Windows, Linux, and macOS systems running in the cloud or on-premises​.

The FSx File Gateway is a new type of AWS Storage Gateway that helps you access data stored in the cloud with Amazon FSx for Windows File Server. It uses network optimization and caching so it appears to your users and applications as if the shared data were still on-premises. You can deploy it as an on-premises hardware appliance, as a virtual machine into your on-premises environment, or deploy in cloud as an Amazon EC2 instance.

However, based on your objective to map a UNC path to an S3 bucket, it seems you might be more interested in Amazon S3 File Gateway. With Amazon S3 File Gateway, you can access data stored in Amazon S3 as files, which sounds closer to what you are trying to achieve​.

If you still want to pursue using Amazon FSx for Lustre, you can access your Amazon FSx file system from on-premises clients that are connected to your file system's VPC using AWS Direct Connect or VPN​3​. You can mount your file system from outside its VPC using the IP address of its primary network interface​3​. However, you can't use Domain Name System (DNS) name resolution when mounting an Amazon FSx file system from outside the VPC it is associated with.

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answered a year ago

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