Does Greengrass support Raspberry Pi 4?


The Getting Started page ( states that Greengrass supports the Raspberry Pi 3 B or B+. Does this mean the Raspberry Pi 4 is not supported, or has the documentation just not been updated?

asked 5 years ago437 views
3 Answers
Accepted Answer

The pi 4 just came out weeks ago. We cannot guarantee all functionality works in Pi 4. But we may have a plan to support Pi 4, please stay tuned.

answered 5 years ago
profile picture
reviewed 3 months ago

Yes, Greengrass can be installed on the Raspberry Pi 4. Successfully tested on 64-bit Raspbian OS (bullseye). Instructions here.

answered 2 years ago

Related question, does Greengrass support Raspbian Buster, which just came out? This page ( only lists Raspbian Stretch...

answered 5 years ago

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