Urgent: Can no longer use GameLift with android games!


Apparently, Google up their requirement to android 34 and you need to use unreal 5.44 for that.

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After upgrading to 5.44, I got all these errror from the GameLift PlugIns.

Tried to fix the code myself but it seems like a big hassle that I don't have time for. So right now i'm totally stucked. :/

Is there anyway to notify the GameLift Developer for this?

asked 3 months ago55 views
1 Answer

Hi, Firstly, apologies for the late reply on this. Secondly, we are aware of the issue and are actively working to add support for Unreal Engine 5.4 to the Amazon GameLift plugin for Unreal Engine. Please stay tuned to the plugin releases page for the latest updates.

Thanks, Sachin Gupta | Sr. PM-T, Amazon GameLift

answered a month ago

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