Data transfer on lightsail


Someone told me the data transfer on lightsail is aggregated that means if I have 2 active instances with 2TB allowed data transfer so I have 4TB completely in that month. And I do it and now I have 2 instance with 2TB data transfer but today I checked my billing page and I see that this not works and after using 2TB of data transfer I have been charged for data transfer but I have 2 active instances and so it should charge me after using 4TB. Someone please help me with this issue and tell me how can I use completely this 4TB without being charge. I also tried to remove and reinstall the instance and it does not work

  • Could you please share the source of this misinformation? That will help us correct it potentially.

asked 9 months ago393 views
3 Answers

Imagine I have two instances, and I delete both of them after using a certain amount of traffic. Then I create two new instances. Now, how much will my data transfer be?

answered 9 months ago
  • I will simplify your question example to one instance created, used some data transfer and deleted and then another new instance created.


    The data transfer allowance is allocated by the bundle or Lightsail instance plan type. If the bundle of the older and newly created instance is the same (e.g. both are the 512MB Memory, 1TB DataTransfer ones) then the data transfer used by the deleted instance counts towards the allowance available to the newer instance. If the older instance used half of the 1TB, only half TB is left for the new instance before it starts accruing overage charges.


It seems you may have received some misinformation from that someone.

In Amazon Lightsail, the data transfer is not aggregated across instances. Each instance comes with its own allocated data transfer allowance.

If you have two active instances, each with a 2TB data transfer allowance, then you have a total of 4TB of data transfer available across those instances. However, this allocation is not shared or aggregated between instances. Each instance is allocated its own 2TB data transfer allowance.

Therefore, if you exceed the data transfer allowance on one instance, you may still be charged for any additional data transfer, even if you have unused data transfer allowance on another instance.

To avoid being charged for additional data transfer beyond your allocated allowance, you can consider the following options:

Keep track of the data transfer usage for each of your instances to ensure that you do not exceed the allocated allowance.

Implement measures to optimize data transfer usage, such as caching static content, compressing data, or offloading data to content delivery networks (CDNs) where possible. If you find that your current data transfer allowance is insufficient for your needs, you can consider upgrading your Lightsail plan to one that offers a higher data transfer allowance.

This might helps too :-

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answered 9 months ago
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reviewed 9 months ago


To better understand the how Lightsail data transfer is calculated, please refer to Lightsail FAQs: How does my data transfer allowance work for instances.

To answer your question on

Imagine I have two instances, and I delete both of them after using a certain amount of traffic. Then I create two new instances. Now, how much will my data transfer be?

Based on example 5 of the FAQs, The amount of data transfer left for newly created instances will be the total DT allowed subtract the amount of DT used by the instances you deleted. Noticed that deleting instances and creating new ones does not reset your data transfer usage or allowance for the month. The usage is tied to your account and bundle type.

answered 3 months ago

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