Can we connect multiple File Gateways to one FSx ?


Hello, our customer has multiple on-premises sites and would like to connect them all to use one AWS FSx for Windows File Server.

Can we install FSX Storage Gateways on each of the sites, then connect them all to the same FSx on AWS?

Will this have any problems with file ownsership, locking, etc.?

Thanks in advance.

H. Baligh

asked 2 years ago870 views
2 Answers

This limitation makes it difficult to deploy. FSx Windows feature of file locking is unfortunately a multi-office choice we've made.

answered 2 years ago
Accepted Answer


Yes, you can use multiple FSx File Gateways and attach the single FSx Windows file server to multiple gateways. However, please note this would be a multiple writer scenario which could cause issues if a second writer (Gateway B) modifies written files than the specified gateway (Gateway A). To avoid running into issues with multiple writers, we recommend using dedicated folders for each FSx File Gateway without any overlap on the FSx file server.

profile pictureAWS
answered 2 years ago
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reviewed 5 months ago

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