CodeDeploy::DeploymentGroup Error: The list of target group pairs must have exactly one pair


I am creating a cloudformation nestedDeployment(CodeBuild Project and CodeDeploy Application) with a Blue/Green Deployment, for an ECS (Fargate Managed) Deployment. The Deployment fails in the creation of the CodeDeployment Group with this error:

"The list of target group pairs must have exactly one pair (Service: AmazonCodeDeploy; Status Code: 400; Error Code: InvalidTargetGroupPairException; Request ID: xxxxxx)"

My nested Deployment has an alb and the ouputs are seen in this deployment as importvalues, the output values are - ECSTargetGroup1Name, ECSTargetGroup1Name (With the export from the alb as - Value: !GetAtt ECSTargetGroup1.TargetGroupName and Value: !GetAtt ECSTargetGroup2.TargetGroupName). Same applies for the ECS ClusterName with its output-export in it's yaml file.

My two cents in understanding this error is suggesting i may have declared wrongly the target groups in the TargetGroupPairInfoList.

Any help with this will be appreciated.

An excerpt of my code is this,

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1 Answer
Accepted Answer

Hi, at it says TargetGroupPairInfoList is "an array of TargeGroupPairInfo objects with a maximum size of one". You've provided an array with 3 elements in it.

What you need is:

- ProdTrafficRoute:     # 03:10 UTC I just edited this as in my haste earlier I forgot the "-".  Had a sudden realisation while brushing my teeth (it's 11:10PM here). :)
    - TargetGroupInfo

Not this:

- ProdTrafficRoute: 
- TargetGroups: 
    - TargetGroupInfo
- TestTrafficRoute: 
answered 2 years ago
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reviewed 6 months ago
  • Thanks this fixed it for me, i see i formated it wrongly.

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