Connect my on-premises machines to AWS Managed Microsoft AD


I have Windows 11 machines in my office and I'm creating a Microsoft Active Directory on AWS to manage users and machines. I created everything correctly, but I can't connect the domain to my office machines. What do I need to do to connect and be able to log in with a user created in the AWS manager?

I wanted to make this process as simple as possible for the user, I don't want them to have to change their IP or use a VPN to connect to the domain.

I did an "nslookup" on my domain, but after time out, it can't find it.

1 Answer

Hi, you could try the following steps:

  1. Enable Network Connectivity: Ensure your office machines can reach AWS AD using a Site-to-Site VPN or AWS Direct Connect.
  2. Set Up DNS: Point your office network’s DNS server to the AWS Directory Service-provided IP addresses.
  3. Join the Domain: Configure your Windows 11 machines to join the AWS AD domain.
  4. Test Domain Login: Create a test user in AWS AD and verify you can log in from an office machine. This keeps the solution brief and focused. Let me know if it helps to solve the issue.
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answered 2 months ago

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