Amazon Connect - Lex - DTMF slow, but voice input quicker


Hi, I have configured the Lex and Connect to play this following prompt. The voice input, it recognize it quickly within 3-4 seconds. But for the DTMF input, it takes 7-9 seconds, which is a huge delay. Any idea how can I improve the DTMF response quicker?

"Thank you for calling XYZ company. For English, say English or press 1. For other languages, say Other or press 5. To repeat this menu, say repeat or press star."

The session attributes are,

"sessionState": {
    "sessionAttributes": {
        "x-amz-lex:allow-dtmf-input:Repeat:Repeat_Slot": "True",
        "x-amz-lex:allow-audio-input:Repeat:Repeat_Slot": "True",
        "x-amz-lex:dtmf:max-length:Repeat:Repeat_Slot": "1",
        "x-amz-lex:allow-audio-input:Language_Selection:Lang_Select_Slot": "True",
        "x-amz-lex:allow-dtmf-input:Language_Selection:Lang_Select_Slot": "True",
        "x-amz-lex:dtmf:max-length:Language_Selection:Lang_Select_Slot": "1"
"interpretations": [
        "nluConfidence": "1.00",
        "interpretationSource": "Lex",
        "intent": {
            "name": "Language_Selection",
            "state": "ReadyForFulfillment",
            "slots": {
                "Lang_Select_Slot": {
                    "value": {
                        "originalValue": "1",
                        "interpretedValue": "English",
                        "resolvedValues": [
                    "shape": "Scalar"
            "confirmationState": "None"

Enter image description here

2 Answers

Is this on every call or just the first call? What region is your instance in?


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answered a month ago
  • Hi Dmacias, The DTMF delay is for all the times and it's us-east-1 region.


Would you not look to add the DTMF end-timeout to the string and set it to lower value of millisecond than the default?

ie. "x-amz-lex:allow-dtmf-input:Repeat:Repeat_Slot": "True", "x-amz-lex:allow-audio-input:Repeat:Repeat_Slot": "True", "x-amz-lex:dtmf:max-length:Repeat:Repeat_Slot": "1", "x-amz-lex:allow-audio-input:Language_Selection:Lang_Select_Slot": "True", "x-amz-lex:allow-dtmf-input:Language_Selection:Lang_Select_Slot": "True", "x-amz-lex:dtmf:max-length:Language_Selection:Lang_Select_Slot": "1" "x-amz-lex:dtmf:end-timeout-ms:Language_Selection:Lang_Select_Slot": "2000"

answered a month ago

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