How to setup temporary console access to aws user


Dear Team,

Can you please give me idea about that how to setup temporary console access to aws user.

i need some explore and have go-through with aws document as well.

Thanks, IT | Cloud Engineer

2 Answers

To set up temporary console access for an AWS user, you have a few options:

  1. Use AWS Security Token Service (STS): You can use the AWS CLI command 'aws sts get-session-token' to generate temporary credentials. This command will provide an AccessKeyId, SecretAccessKey, and SessionToken. These credentials are short-term and will expire after a specified duration (default is 12 hours, but you can set it up to 36 hours).

  2. Identity Federation: For a more scalable solution, especially for organizations, you can set up identity federation. This allows you to use your existing identity provider (IdP) to grant temporary access to the AWS console. You'll need to choose an IdP, ensure multi-factor authentication (MFA) is enforced, and apply the necessary permissions.

  3. AWS Managed Microsoft AD or Simple AD: If you're using AWS Directory Service with either AWS Managed Microsoft AD or Simple AD, you can enable console access for your directory users. This involves creating an access URL for your directory and assigning users to appropriate IAM roles. Users can then access the console using the provided URL (e.g.,

  4. Temporary AMS Console Access: For AWS Managed Services (AMS) users, you can request temporary console access through your Cloud Support Delivery Manager (CSDM). This process involves submitting a request with specific details, undergoing a security review, and then receiving temporary IAM user credentials.

Regardless of the method you choose, it's important to remember that temporary credentials enhance security by limiting the exposure of long-term credentials. Always ensure that users are granted only the permissions they need to perform their tasks, and regularly review and rotate access as necessary.

When implementing any of these methods, make sure to follow AWS best practices for security, including enforcing multi-factor authentication where possible.

Create session token for authenticate with short-term credentials | AWS re:Post
Enabling access to the AWS Management Console with Simple AD credentials - AWS Directory Service
Enabling AWS Management Console access with AWS Managed Microsoft AD credentials - AWS Directory Service
Temporary AMS console access - AMS Advanced User Guide
ACCT.03 Configure console access for each user - AWS Prescriptive Guidance

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answered 11 days ago
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reviewed 11 days ago

Hello Mahindra,

I'll explain how to set up temporary console access for AWS users. Here are the main methods:

1. Using IAM Users with Temporary Credentials:

  • Go to IAM Console
  • Create a new IAM user or select existing one
  • Under Security Credentials tab, choose "Create access key"
  • Set an expiration date for the credentials

2. Using AWS STS (Security Token Service):

  • Generate temporary credentials using AWS STS
  • These include:
    • Access key ID
    • Secret access key
    • Session token
    • Expiration time

3. Creating Temporary Console Access URL:

  • Use AWS STS GetFederationToken or AssumeRole
  • Generate a sign-in URL using these credentials
  • Share the URL with the user

4. Using IAM Roles:

  • Create an IAM role with required permissions
  • Set up trust relationships
  • Configure maximum session duration
  • Allow user to assume the role temporarily

Example AWS CLI command for temporary credentials:

aws sts get-federation-token \
    --name "TempUser" \
    --duration-seconds 3600 \
    --policy "{JSON policy document}"
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answered 11 days ago

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