all newly created aws account will say : "Error! Cannot create the fleet. Reason: Current limit of fleets of 0 have been reached.." when create its first fleet


I'm not post this for this account. But if I post with newly create aws account, you guys will think I'm a beginner and ask me to increase service limit and tell me my resource usage is minimal. I have reported this issue many times since two or three months ago via email, support case and feedback, but you guys didn't realize it's actually a bug.

So please, supporter, please don't use your manual book when you see this post, just report it to the real developer team.

All newly created aws account's gamelift service limit will return 0 now in all regions and all instance types, which should be anything other than 0 (1 or 20, normally). which make all new account can't even create its first fleet.

You can ask the developer team to create a new account to try and confirm it yourselves, it's very easy to reproduce.

  • Hello! We facing the same problem, and AWS support team keeps sending the boilerplate answers. Did you manage to solve this issue?

asked 2 years ago269 views
1 Answer

It's because aws's new feature. soft service limit. they will fix it. I will report back when it's fixed.

answered 2 years ago

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