Emails sent via SES not delivered to mailboxes and


Hi, for about two years I have activated the Amazon AWS SES service by connecting it to a WordPress site that sends newsletters and communications through the MailPoet plugin using the AWS SES SMTP connection. The service works well, we have never recorded any particular problems. In recent months, however, several users with email addresses and (after the well-known problems affecting these Italian providers have informed us that they no longer receive our communications (not all users with that type of account only a part). Certainly the problem is attributable to Libero/Virgilio, but the assistance of ItaliaOnline (owners of and asks for the log of the shipments made to make further checks and clarifications.

So I ask you, how can I download a log of the mailings made, to which recipients, and the result of the mailing?

Thank you so much

  • Same problem here. Did you manage to fix it?

asked a year ago359 views
2 Answers


By default, we are unable to get granular data regarding each email delivery. You will need to set up SES event publishing to put the sending events and related information to Cloudwatch.

Another option to improve your deliverability is to try out the Virtual Deliverability Manager which can give you recommendations to improve the overall deliverability of your emails ->

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answered a year ago

Probably the email addresses are in your account suppression list after the iol server's down. Maybe their down generated hard bounces that are ended in your account suppression list.

answered a year ago

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