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Direct Connect Location with different associated AWS Region


I have a question from a customer:

We are planning on installing 2 new DX for the ap-southeast-1 (Singapore) region. We would prefer to be in Equinix facilities as we already have a relationship with them. I have earmarked HK1 and SG2 as possibilities but I notice that they have a different Associated AWS region but are in the same Direct Connect Geographical Region. Please can you confirm that these are a valid choice?

Is it ok to have a Direct Connect Location such as HK1 connecting to a non "Associated AWS Region" like Singapore?

profile pictureAWS
asked 5 years ago874 views
1 Answer
Accepted Answer

Yes, it's OK. With direct connect gateway, you can connect to all AWS region (except China) from any Direct Connect location. You can check the deep dive session from last reinvent "NET403_DirectConnect_DeepDive":

answered 5 years ago

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