Control Tower not Enrolling any account after re-provisioning the IAM Identity Center


Background: I have provisioned a new control tower. It did setup the IAM identity centre along with it. I updated the directory DNS to e.g. "XYZ". Later my team suggested we should update the sso url to something else e.g. "ABC". To update the SSO url, I deleted the IAM identity centre and re-provisioned it.

However, After that our control tower started failing the Account Enrolment. After looking at the cloudtrail log we found following error ""errorMessage": "DirectoryId: d-XXXXXXX or directory type: UserPool in the request not found."

We noticed control tower is still pointing to the old directory. Could you help how we can point control tower to the new directory.

1 Answer

Hi There

Have you tried a landing zone repair?

Go to Control Tower dashboard, choose Landing Zone Settings, choose the latest version and click Repair.

profile pictureAWS
answered a year ago

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