Viewing To: address in Amazon Workmail web client


In WorkMail, I have a primary e-mail address (of course) and one e-mail alias. When I receive a message, I would like to be able to tell whether the message was sent to my primary address or to the alias.

When using the Amazon WorkMail web client, is there a way to view the e-mail address that a message was sent to?

asked 3 years ago406 views
1 Answer
Accepted Answer


You can find the original email address a message was sent to in the message headers. For WebMail this means opening the message by double clicking (not in the standard reading pane) and clicking the envelope + gear icon in the top right of the email. This will open the message headers and allows you to find the original addressed email. (

You can also create a email rule that checks the message headers for an alias and move it to a different inbox to make it a little easier. (

Kind regards, Robin

answered 3 years ago
  • Thank you for the answer, robinkaws. AWS-User-8851673, let us know if this answers your question. If this solved your issue, please remember to click on the "Accept" button to let the community know that your question is resolved. This helps everyone. Thank you in advance.

  • Thanks for the info. I found that reading the envelop/message headers does provide the info, but is not very human-friendly. I was able to add an email rule to route e-mail addressed to the alias to a specific folder. That solution works for me. It took a few tries to find a rule that worked, but I discovered the trick: in the "is sent to..." rule, I have to precede the address with "smtp:", e.g.

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