"Special Requirements to perform bulk actions" error on attempted Workspace Restore or Rebuild



I'm attempting to restore or rebuild a workspace that was active yesterday but then suddenly became unavailable (unreachable) with the standard "unable to connect" message. The unable to connect behavior has persisted for more than 24 hours.

Things that have been tried:

  1. Reboot Workspace - still unreachable.
  2. Stop / Start Workspace - it stops and then we restart it, but it is still unable to connect.
  3. Adjusting / adding root and user disk space - the space is adjusted and reflected in the workspaces listing.

Additional notes:

  1. No changes to Security Groups or IP Whitelisting has occurred.
  2. Other users and workspaces have continued to function fine.
  3. I also created a 2nd workspace for the same person (to verify it isn't overarching network/firewall issues) -- and they are able to connect just fine.

Also: My user has full global admin privileges and explicitly has all of the AmazonWorkspaces* policies attached.

Does anyone else have any helpful hints / tips before we write this workspace off and start over?


asked 3 years ago317 views
1 Answer

Hello Neal,

In troubleshooting, can you access the WorkSpaces through RDP? If not have you tried the instructions connect to a WorkSpaces using RDP?

If you are able to get into the WorkSpace, then you can review the OS logs to see what may be causing the WorkSpace to become unavailable.

You should also enable advance logging on the WorkSpace client and attempt to connect. This will provide you with additional details on when/where in the logon process is failing.

Last, if you have AWS Premium Support plan, please open an support ticket and upload the logs and specify the WorkSpace ID/Information for a support engineer to investigate.

profile pictureAWS
answered 3 years ago

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