Amazon Polly Matthew Standard pronounces "live" incorrectly despite changing role attributes


Amazon Polly Matthew Standard pronounces "live" incorrectly when in the sentence "You did not change the way that you live" none of the role attributes make any difference.

asked 4 years ago431 views
4 Answers
Accepted Answer

I agree that it doesn't work with the Matthew standard voice.

• Matthew Neural works, Joanna Neural works, Joanna Standard works

SSML tried:
<speak>You did not change the way that you <w role="amazon:VB">live.</w></speak>


<speak>You did not change the way that you <w role="amazon:NN">live.</w></speak>

answered 4 years ago

Hi LizzyGriff,

Thank you for reporting this issue! It has now been fixed and the voice should pronounce 'live' correctly in that particular context.

answered 4 years ago

Thank you chiaoting-aws

answered 4 years ago

I'm having the same problem with "So, people should give you what you need to live"

answered 4 years ago

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