Must be an aggregate expression or appear in GROUP BY clause


I am trying to run the query below, it works fine in mysql server, yet the result says the following error message while running in Athena "EXPRESSION_NOT_AGGREGATE: line 5:1: 'card_type' must be an aggregate expression or appear in GROUP BY clause"

Query : SELECT SS.employee_id, SUM(SS.net_salary), card_type FROM employee_summary SS where card_type = 'xxx' GROUP BY employee_id Having SUM(SS.net_salary) > 10000

What I want to do is select the above columns, sorted by employee ID, and check if the net salary is greater than 10000, why should 'card_type' be aggregated or appear in GROUP BY clause?

Many thanks

asked a year ago4177 views
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answered a year ago
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reviewed a year ago

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