I can't commit changes to DynamoDB


Using NoSQL Borkbench. I create a new data model with two tables, and then I commit to Amazon DynamoDB. It worked.

But oops, I left a field out in one table, so I add it, and then go and hit the Commit to Amazon DynamoDB button again. Now I get this error:

Error Could not commit to DynamoDB as table creation failed: ResourceInUseException: Table already exists: Devices.

Ok, so the table already exists, but shouldn’t I be able to make changes to it? So let’s skip that datamodel change. Let me just start adding some data to those tables (using NoSQL Workbench). Maybe it won’t let me change the model once it is created, but I must surely be able to add data to the DynamoDB, no? No. Same error when I try to commit.

Can someone tell me where my misunderstanding is? I am assuming that NoSQL Workbench has created a database in memory, that it then should be able to send to the cloud.

  • Hello, I'm doing research on making this tool better. What would your desired behavior be? After changing the data model (i.e. adding a new GSI, new attribute, adding sample data), be able to commit the changes to the existing table. Is the preference to overwrite the existing table? Do you need a rollback option? Or the re-committing would just create a version of the table?

asked 3 years ago1544 views
2 Answers

After three months I would have expected Amazon to have addressed this issue. As you said it's a KNOWN issue. Come on guys, appending data is vital to any tool.

answered 2 years ago
  • Hello, I'm doing research on making this tool better. What would your desired behavior be? After changing the data model (i.e. adding a new GSI, new attribute, adding sample data), be able to commit the changes to the existing table. Is the preference to overwrite the existing table? Do you need a rollback option? Or the re-committing would just create a version of the table?

Accepted Answer

Thank you for using NoSQL Workbench. Currently we don’t support this functionality. Its a known issue and also have added in our backlog and will do our best to address it . Please stay tuned for more updates. quick fix: you can delete the entire table and commit the updated table.

Thanks, Amazon DynamoDB Team

answered 3 years ago
  • Thank you. Good to know it isn't me. I will follow your advice.

  • Deleting the entire table and committing the update burns a lot of resources that we have to pay for. That is a useless answer.

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