Automation-UpdateSSMParam document not finding payload


I have used the automation-updatessm document successfully but now it keeps getting me the error below:

FunctionName "Automation-UpdateSsmParam" Payload "{"parameterName":"/ami/latest/us-east-1/win2k16ah-cb", "parameterValue":"ami-078c47fc7714f0cb3"}"

OutputPayload {"Payload":"SSM parameter not found.","StatusCode":200} Payload SSM parameter not found. StatusCode 200

I have verified that the parameterName does exist. I wish there was a way to attach screenshots here.

1 Answer

Lambda Log from CloudWatch:

2022-03-30T14:41:20.356-04:00 START RequestId: 51fe091e-daff-4974-a33c-ad44f231fb6f Version: $LATEST

2022-03-30T14:41:20.356-04:00 Loading function

2022-03-30T14:41:20.358-04:00 Received event: {

2022-03-30T14:41:20.358-04:00 "parameterName": "/ami/latest/us-east-1/win2k16ah-cb",

2022-03-30T14:41:20.358-04:00 "parameterValue": "ami-078c47fc7714f0cb3"

2022-03-30T14:41:20.358-04:00 }

2022-03-30T14:41:20.711-04:00 No such parameter

2022-03-30T14:41:20.713-04:00 END RequestId: 51fe091e-daff-4974-a33c-ad44f231fb6f

answered 2 years ago

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