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CloudWatch metrics are missing for Amazon Translate


I used "Real-time translation" and "Batch translation" with Amazon Translate. The translation has completed successfully and IAM user has been set up with AdministratorAccess.

After using it, I checked the Amazon Translate Account metric. "No activity during the selected time range" is displayed and the metrics cannot be checked.

I also tried the following but cannot see the metrics:

  • Wait (I waited more than 48 hours after execution)
  • Change time range
  • Try with another browser
  • Check region
  • Check on the CloudWatch page
    • AWS/Translate does not exist

Please note that Cost Explorer charges a fee, so there is no doubt that Amazon Translate was used.

Are there any tasks or settings missing? Any advice would be greatly appreciated.

2 Answers

Hello, I once faced the same issues and after some research, I found activity in metrics is usually shown after a large amount of translation is done. So, you might want to check if u are getting enough translations request. If u need more help feel free to comment. Thanks

answered a year ago
  • Thank you for sharing your experience. How many characters was the request for which you received responses?

    For your information, as of five days ago, I have already made requests totaling at least 100 million characters.


Hello cl It was a long time ago but I think it was thousands of requests and which metrics you are trying to get/check?

answered a year ago
  • Hello Abhinav Chauhan,

    All metrics. I would like to confirm at least CharacterCount and ResponseTime.

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