NodeJs caps memory usage on r6i.xlarge instance (32GB RAM) at 16GB


Hello. We are running our NodeJs application which creates considerable memory pressure. We acquired a large server, however, NodeJs caps memory usage at 16GB regardless of settings (--max-old-space-size=30000). We tried different instances, with docker (AWS Linux) or without (Ubuntu 22), but the cap stays the same. It is a 64-bit version of Node (otherwise, it would have capped at ~4GB). We've tried Node versions 18.15, 18.19, 20.11. Interestingly, locally on a dev-machine (MacOS, 16GB RAM) it manages to occupy 18GB+ (although it takes nearly forever because of swapping) and doesn't crash. The error we are observing on AWS server is

terminate called after throwing an instance of 'std::bad_alloc'
  what():  std::bad_alloc

Any hint is appreciated that would point to a new direction in this investigation

asked 8 months ago399 views
1 Answer

Inspect your Node.js application for memory leaks. Even if you increase the memory limit, a memory leak can eventually lead to crashes and use memory profiling tools to understand how your application is using memory and identify potential areas for optimization.

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answered 8 months ago
  • Thank you for looking into this. I've created a test script that recreates the problem. There are no leaks (unless in V8). I intentionally use more than 16GB of memory inside the test script. It runs fine on a local machine under MacOS and fails on AWS as soon as 16GB is reached

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