REST/JSON Post to FedEx Servers


I need to send API posts to FedEx servers using REST/JSON to rate, ship and track packages. The code I'm using works from my Windows 11 Home edition laptop. I use AWS server using Remote Desktop Connection and use the same program as on my local machine. For years we have been able to send SOAP/XML requests to FedEx. They now insist on upgrading to RESTful/JSON transactions. The JSON request I send generates a blank reply and an error message that says check your internet connection, the requested header was not found. I 'm using the same code as on my local machine which returns precisely what is requested. I switch back to the SOAP version and it works fine.

asked a month ago106 views
1 Answer
Accepted Answer


Did you compare the SOAP and REST endpoints ? They probably have a different DNS name and TCP port.

If that's the case, I would then suggest to check the AWS security groups related to the EC2 instance where you run your new code: they may have to be updated to allow the REST traffic destination (tcp port and/or dns name)



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answered a month ago
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reviewed a month ago

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