AWS Update Payment Method - Unable to add new credit card or bank account


Every time I try adding a new billing method in "My Billing Dashboard > Payment Methods", I am given an error message similar to this one.

"Your card ending in #### was not added. Please verify the card information and try again."

I have tried 3 credit cards and 2 bank accounts to update my AWS service billing method and have received a similar error message each time.

Is there an alternative way to add a new billing method to get around this error? I have been using the same credit card for over a year but had to cancel it last month, so I currently do not have a valid credit card on my AWS account.

Edited by: AndrewB192 on Oct 22, 2018 3:05 PM

Edited by: AndrewB192 on Oct 22, 2018 3:05 PM

asked 6 years ago12.2K views
6 Answers

Hi AndrewB192,

Sorry to hear of the trouble you've had adding a new payment method.

AWS accepts most major credit and debit cards, please have a look at this page for info on Managing Your AWS Payment Methods:

Also, please reach out to Accounts and Billing Support team who will be provide further direct assistance:

Amy J.

answered 6 years ago

Hi AndrewB192,

Thank you for following through by reaching out via the Support Center concerning this.

I've reviewed the case you provided and do see it has now been updated with the need for further actions to be taken on your end.

Please follow up further on this matter via your case, as to ensure we can have this matter resolved.

Thank you for your patience and understanding surrounding this matter.

Kind regards,
Craig E.

answered 6 years ago

Hi Amy, I reached out to the support team on October 21st. They stated that they were escalating my case on October 22nd. However, I haven't heard from them yet and have not been able to get my payment info updated.

I am really worried at this point that AWS will not allow me to update my billing info in time to make my payment due date.

My case number is 5*********, any help is appreciated!

answered 6 years ago

Thanks Craig. The support team was able to help me and I have been able to successfully update my payment methods!

In case anyone else runs into this issue, I was unable to update my payment information because I had an access key that the AWS team identified as being compromised. After I deleted the key, I received an email thanking me for deleting the compromised key and I was able to add a new CC to my payment methods.

Edited by: AndrewB192 on Oct 30, 2018 2:50 PM

answered 6 years ago

Hi AndrewB192.
I have the same problem:
Your card ending in **** is not supported for payments to AWS seller in your region. Please try adding one of the following supported cards: mastercarddebit, MasterCard, American Express or Visa.
How did you remove access key? I'm not able to login to the console.

answered 4 years ago

Ring bank and get them to remove block on VISA for 2 hours due to bank blocking all USA Websites in my case and Amazon being an American company. In AWS console, click on top right name and select account then payment preferences and make sure the name matches the name on the back of the card exactly. Click verify. It should verify.

answered 2 years ago

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