Aurora Postgre SQL doesnt not have automated back up option


Hi Team,

Aurora postgre SQL we dont have point in time recovery option on snapshot level Automated back up option and We do see point in time recovery option on the CLuster level. Is this how it expected? We wanted to point in restore option on snapshot level how we have for MY SQL

asked a year ago527 views
1 Answer


I would like to inform you that Aurora backs up your cluster volume automatically and retains restore data for the length of the backup retention period. Aurora automated backups are continuous and incremental, so you can quickly restore to any point within the backup retention period. No performance impact or interruption of database service occurs as backup data is being written. You can specify a backup retention period from 1–35 days when you create or modify a DB cluster. Aurora automated backups are stored in Amazon S3.


  • For Amazon Aurora DB clusters, the default backup retention period is one day regardless of how the DB cluster is created.
  • You can't disable automated backups on Aurora. The backup retention period for Aurora is managed by the DB cluster.

Further I would like to inform that there is no option to perform Point in time restore using a manual snapshot, but you can perform a PITR by referring the steps mentioned in the below AWS documentation:

[+] Restoring a DB cluster to a specified time:

Useful Resources:

[+] Overview of backing up and restoring an Aurora DB cluster:

[+] Understanding Amazon Aurora backup storage usage:

I sincerely hope this helps!

Vidit S
answered a year ago
  • Thanks for the explanation. Automated backup of aurora I understood it stores in S3, will we be having access to it. we have a use case if the whole DB cluster goes down, we need to bring up a whole new cluster with the latest backup As in snapshot we can don't get PITR, trying to understand where exactly we can see the automated backup of Postgres. So we don't have much of data loss when we restore from backup

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