Quicksight Aurora access, VPC issue


I have followed the docs to enable connecting QuickSight to an Aurora psql instance but I can't get it to work.

When I try add the VPC from QuickSight I see the following error in the chrome dev console (no visible error on the page itself..)

No access

I.e. it says "Not autorized to perform ec2:CreateNetworkInterface"

I have done the following

  • Checked that my user has ec2:CreateNetworkInterface and quicksight:CreateVPCConnection
  • Checked that the aws-quicksight-service-role-v0 also has these two permissions
  • Checked that the role has sts:AssumeRole
  • Check the VPC, security groups etc. Though its unlikely its any of that since the failure happens as I'm trying to add the VPC to QuickSight

Do you have any idea where I can look next? The UX for this from QS is not great.


asked a year ago418 views
2 Answers

Thanks I tried explicitly adding the two I did not have (ec2:CreateNetworkInterface was already there) to both the role and my user. But I get the same error.

It is specifically saying ec2:CreateNetworkInterface which I know is there, so that is odd. I've confirmed its using the correct role.

Most frustrating

answered a year ago
  • Does this still occur if I add administrator privileges?


Try to operate with the following permissions set for IAM users and IAM roles

profile picture
answered a year ago

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