Reuse of database connections by a lambda.


Hello, We are having problems because the database is getting overwhelmed because all the database connections are being consumed by a lambda. I would like to know the best practices to avoid consuming all the connections. It is a development environment so provisioning the database with another higher instance type with more VCPU doesn't make sense. I do not really understand the parallelism of the lambdas. What we assumed so far:

  1. A request is made --> lambda X is raised --> a connection is created.
  2. Will requests executed on the hot lambda in an already started environment reuse the same database connection?
  3. For each "provisioning of a new environment" (init in the image), a connection is created? Is this statement correct?

Enter image description here

  1. When would the connection be released if the connection is not explicitly closed? Will the db-connection to the Lambda death event be released? Is it better practice to close the connection explicitly or to leave it open? Is there a cost to open and close connections for each request processed?

1 Answer


To maximize efficiency and simplify RDS connection sharing with Lambdas, it is recommended to use the RDS Proxy: a good starting point is

Also, this best practice blog has a section on RDS Proxy:



profile pictureAWS
answered 2 months ago
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reviewed 2 months ago
profile pictureAWS
reviewed 2 months ago
  • Would it be needed to close the connections with the RDS proxy? Would implementing the proxy properly involve code changes or just change the endopoint ?

  • Hi Diego, no, management of sessions is done by the proxy, which multiplexes their use by different requesters to maximize efficiency.

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