AWS quickstart: Cisco Meraki Virtual MX / ENI not changing


Hi, I would like to use the quickstart below.

I deployed the quickstart:

  1. AWS-vMX-HA1 (primary EC2) in us-west-2c
  2. AWS-vMX-HA2 (secondary EC2) in us-west-2d
  • Instance state: Running
  • Status Check: 2/2 checks passed Status Check
  1. Meraki-vMX-HA1 on Meraki
  2. Meraki-vMX-HA2 on Meraki
  • Both are online

My route table:

  • To route to my Meraki subnets, my route table "Target" AWS-vMX-HA1's ENI (this is working)

What I expect / what is not working:

  • When I Stop my AWS-vMX-HA1 EC2 instance (Offline), I expect my route table to update my Meraki subnets to a new "Target" AWS-vMX-HA2 (or AWS-vMX-HA2's ENI) - this is not working
  • Instead, when I stop my AWs-vMX-HA1 EC2 instance (Offline), the routes that previous "Target" AWs-vMX-HA1's ENI does not change, but instead goes into "Blackhole"
4 Answers


When I Stop my AWS-vMX-HA1 EC2 instance (Offline), I expect my route table to update my Meraki subnets to a new "Target" AWS-vMX-HA2 (or AWS-vMX-HA2's ENI) - this is not working

Reading the documentation it seems this functionality is controlled by Lambda.
So, please check the logs to see if the target Lambda is running and if there are any errors.

The deployment architecture is fault tolerant with two vMX instances in different Availability Zones. An AWS Lambda function handles instance-level failures by checking the state of vMX EC2 instances. For software-level failures, it checks the vMX health state on the Meraki VMX dashboard. In the case of a vMX instance failure, the AWS Lambda function logs the error in CloudWatch and updates the VPC and transit gateway routes to point to a healthy instance.

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answered 23 days ago

Hi Riku, I checked Live Trail, and I get do not see any errors. I do see messages below.

"vMX Status: vmx2 online and vmx1 offline, moving all routes to vmx2" "VPC RT Update: Updating VPC route table for vMX2"

From these messages, it appears the Lambda is working, but no changes have been made to my route table that would indicate it is trying to route to vMX2. My route table goes into a "Blackhole"

answered 23 days ago

From what I can see on Meraki's side, the routes transitioned properly to Meraki-vMX-HA2. It looks as if the Lambda function isn't functioning properly(?)

answered 23 days ago

Hi Riku, I have been looking through CloudWatch Live Tail and the logs have not been helpful. Have you implemented the vMX yourself or are you providing general troubleshooting skills?

answered 23 days ago

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