Redirect Amazon Connect inboad calls to EU Mobile phone number


Hi, I do not have the possibility to use web browser to pick-up inbound calls in Amazon Connect. When I try to set answer option to redirect phone call I can pick numbers from prefix drop-down only from a few countries (US, UK, IE, IT, FR) although AWS list outgoing phone charges to all countries in EU. Also from callcenter agent browser page I have the same issue, I can manually dial only to US, UK, IE, IT, FR.

Please help me understand if other countries are supported both for redirected inbound calls to agent mobile phone and also for placing outbound calls.

Thank you


asked 3 years ago790 views
2 Answers
Accepted Answer

Sending calls to an agent's phone via the Desk phone option involves Amazon Connect placing an outbound call. As such, the countries you can select are limited by default, as described in Countries you can call. The countries you listed match the default countries for the EU (Frankfurt) and EU (London) regions, so I'm guessing your instance is in one of those regions?

As described in the link, you can submit a service quota increase request to add other countries to your outbound dial list.

answered 3 years ago

Thank you, it worked

answered 3 years ago

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