My friend Root mail Id got compromised. We cannot login to the account. What can we do


Hi, My friend root user Id got hacked. We cannot login into our AWS account. We didn't authorized any email updates as well, but it got updated. My card details were linked to the account. I am terrified If I gonna be charged for something I didn't use. The new mail Id it got updated to was: I raised the cases but no one contacted me. My Case Id: 10370293431. Someone Please help me out. I am so scared if this gonna effect my career.

1 Answer

The most immediate thing you can do is to cancel the credit card being used against that account in order to prevent any excessive charges. If the email account has been updated there is no way to tell that you are the not the unauthorized user. You will receive a response from support but being able to get access again, if at all, will take time.

answered 2 years ago
  • I have cancelled my credit card, How can I block my aws account?

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