Salesforce Omnichannel - Presence Sync Issue


I used the installation guide for CTI adapter v3.11 to configure presence status synchronization between Amazon Connect & SFDC omnichannel. Presence status sync is not working.

I am using the sync rule as below:
{"source": "connect.stateChange",
"destination": "salesforce",
"criteria": {
"operandA": "connect.agentState",
"comparator": "===",
"operandB": "Break"
"state": "Break"
"source": "omni.stateChange",
"destination": "connect",
"criteria": {
"operandA": "omni.agentState",
"comparator": "===",
"operandB": "Break"
"state": "Break"

If anyone has experienced this and has found a way to resolve this issue please let me know.

asked 5 years ago1308 views
3 Answers

I was just working on the same. After following properly (yep, first missed couple of small details) the instructions, I got it working, few things to check maybe:

  1. Did you enable the omnichannel? (most likely)
  2. Added the Omni-channel Utility item to your App?
  3. Did you create the statuses to Amazon Connect and Salesforce with same names? (I guess different names also work, but just need to be careful when writing the sync rules)
  4. Added the statuses to the Users profile, under: Enabled Service Presence Status Access?
  5. By adding this rule to the "Presence sync configuration" I got it working, bi-directionally (so omni-channel <-> connect CTI both ways)
    5.1 Oh, and double-check you copy-pasted the correct "Internal name" property to the Call Center field from Service -> Call Center -> callcenters -> Amazon Connect CCP Adapter Lightning 3.11
  "source": "omni.stateChange",
  "destination": "connect",
  "criteria": {
    "operandA": "omni.agentState",
    "comparator": "===",
    "operandB": "Available"
  "state": "Available"
  "source": "omni.stateChange",
  "destination": "connect",
  "criteria": {
    "operandA": "omni.agentState",
    "comparator": "===",
    "operandB": "Offline"
  "state": "Offline"
  "source": "omni.stateChange",
  "destination": "connect",
  "criteria": {
    "operandA": "omni.agentState",
    "comparator": "===",
    "operandB": "Break"
  "state": "Break"
  "source": "connect.stateChange",
  "destination": "salesforce",
  "criteria": {
    "operandA": "connect.agentState",
    "comparator": "===",
    "operandB": "Available"
  "state": "Available"
  "source": "connect.stateChange",
  "destination": "salesforce",
  "criteria": {
    "operandA": "connect.agentState",
    "comparator": "===",
    "operandB": "Offline"
  "state": "Offline"
  "source": "connect.stateChange",
  "destination": "salesforce",
  "criteria": {
    "operandA": "connect.agentState",
    "comparator": "===",
    "operandB": "Break"
  "state": "Break"

Really hope this helps :)

answered 5 years ago

Thanks. It works for me now.

answered 5 years ago

I have checked all of the above and status for both Omnichannel/CTI is still not updating when an agent places him/herself on a break. They have to update both independently. Any help on this would be great. I am running a console in Saleforce Classic and can't work out how to update the apps settings in the particular console.

answered 4 years ago

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