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We are seeing the same error trying to upgrade to PG 12.
The issue is that even after completely removing postgis from a PG 10 Aurora cluster (where postgis 3.1.7 is the available version) we have 98 rows in pg_proc
for functions with $libdir/rtpostgis-2.4
in the probin
column. So when we try to upgrade we get a similar message as the op
2023-04-05 18:14:41.359 GMT [31870] ERROR: could not access file "$libdir/rtpostgis-2.4": No such file or directory
2023-04-05 18:14:41.359 GMT [31870] STATEMENT: LOAD '$libdir/rtpostgis-2.4'
I assume that at some point in the past postgis 2.4 was installed, but it's not there any more and we just need to have those references to it in pg_proc
cleaned out but of course as it is a system table we can't do that so how do we proceed with the upgrade?
Thank you very much for your response. I would like to try to get this resolved without involving AWS support as it will be tedious with all the environments that have to go through this, potentially multiple times. Here is the output to the queries you gave me, sorry about the bad formatting, I hope its readable.
SELECT SUBSTR(version(),1,18),postgis_full_version(); | PostgreSQL 11.13 o | POSTGIS=3.1.4 ded6c34 [EXTENSION] PGSQL=110 GEOS=3.7.3-CAPI-1.11.3 b50468f PROJ=6.2.1 LIBXML=2.9.9 LIBJSON=0.12.99 LIBPROTOBUF=1.3.0 WAGYU=0.5.0 (Internal)
SELECT extname,extversion,extnamespace::regnamespace,extowner::regrole FROM pg_catalog.pg_extension WHERE extname LIKE 'postgis%'; | postgis | 3.1.4 | public | rdsadmin
SELECT probin,count(*) FROM pg_catalog.pg_proc WHERE probin LIKE '%postgis%' GROUP BY 1 ORDER BY 1; | $libdir/postgis-3 | 515
SELECT name,version,installed FROM pg_catalog.pg_available_extension_versions WHERE name LIKE 'postgis%' order by 2,1; | postgis, 3.1.4, true | postgis_raster, 3.1.4, false | postgis_tiger_geocoder3.1.4, false | postgis_topology, 3.1.4, false | postgis, 3.1.4next, false | postgis_raster, 3.1.4next, false | postgis_tiger_geocoder, 3.1.4next, false | postgis_topology, 3.1.4next, false | postgis, unpackaged, false | postgis_raster, unpackaged, false | postgis_topology, unpackaged, false
SELECT count(typname) AS "number of installed raster types in pg_type" FROM pg_type WHERE typname IN ('raster', 'rastbandarg', 'geomval', 'addbandarg', 'summarystats', 'agg_count', 'reclassarg', 'agg_samealignment', 'unionarg'); | 0
Looking at the output of these queries is it possible that you have one or more other databases where postgis is installed on this RDS DB instance?
I believe this is the case as you can see in the upgrade error you reported references to "$libdir/postgis-2.4" but in the query results for the database you ran we can only see "$libdir/postgis-3" and the other results show postgis 3.1.4 is installed correctly in that database at least.
It's fairly common to miss another database which might not be the "main" database but still exists on the RDS instance with postgis installed but not in a clean state, sometimes I need to check many databases to pinpoint which one is causing the trouble.
Hi Thomas,
Depending on the current installed state of postgis you may require assistance from AWS Support, however the following meta-data for the database which is triggering this error. You may need to check this data on multiple databases, the following SQL will pull data related to the postgis state which may help provide the next steps to resolve this issue.
Can you share the information from the SQL below? If you open a support case this information will help the AWS Support team also.
SELECT SUBSTR(version(),1,18),postgis_full_version();
SELECT extname,extversion,extnamespace::regnamespace,extowner::regrole FROM pg_catalog.pg_extension WHERE extname LIKE 'postgis%';
SELECT probin,count(*) FROM pg_catalog.pg_proc WHERE probin LIKE '%postgis%' GROUP BY 1 ORDER BY 1;
SELECT name,version,installed FROM pg_catalog.pg_available_extension_versions WHERE name LIKE 'postgis%' order by 2,1;
SELECT count(typname) AS "number of installed raster types in pg_type" FROM pg_type WHERE typname IN ('raster', 'rastbandarg', 'geomval', 'addbandarg', 'summarystats', 'agg_count', 'reclassarg', 'agg_samealignment', 'unionarg');
If your problem is the same as mine, then its all about by default "hidden objects/databases". I use pgadmin and there is a setting to "Show System Objects". turn this on and you will be surprised how many more databases are there. For me postgis was installed in some system database too, so before I could upgrade the cluster I either had to remove postgis from the system databases or update postgis (the same way like you did in your database).
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I solved this by dropping the old functions with
I used this query to get the list of functions (it generates the DROP FUNCTION statements as well as ALTER FUNCTION statements that change the owner of the function to my user):
One more thing, there was also an old view left over from the previous postgis installation - there was a postgis view named
that caused the upgrade to fail - if you have removed postgis theraster_overviews
view should no longer exist, if it does you may need to drop it manually like I did.