How to automatically save call logs in salesforce under activity history for inbound and outbound calls


When a service agent receive a inbound call or make a outbound call then call logs are not automatically saved for related record. Ex: On receiving the inbound call related to account, Account record open automatically but after calls end there is no call logs for same in activity hisory.

asked 10 months ago200 views
1 Answer

Hi Rohan, if you are using our Salesforce CTI adapter, it does not do this out of the box. Custom logic would have to be written on the Salesforce side or on the AWS Salesforce Lambda side to associate Contact records and Contact Analytics records with your chosen object. As these records take up to a few minutes to generate in Amazon Connect, they are sent over asynchronously to your instance.

A way to go about this could be modifying the CTI Flow to add an attribute, like a case ID, to the contact. When the CTR is generated, the AWS Salesforce Lambdas are invoked. Modifying the logic in the Salesforce Lambdas could allow you to create a record or association of contact to a Salesforce object, like a case.

Happy building!

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answered 9 months ago

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