Grafana to send mqtt messages through aws iot core


How can I send a message to my IOT device which is connected to AWS IOT core, through Grafana? I am already receiving data from my IOT device: IOT device ---> IOT core --->Amazon message rule-----> Amazon DataStream --->Amazon GRAFANA

How can I reverse this operation; Amazon Grafana---> IOT rule ---->send Mqtt message to IOT device

2 Answers

Amazon Managed Grafana is a fully managed data visualization service, and while I don't want to say it's not possible to send data from Grafana to AWS IoT devices, I think I'd like to better understand the use case.

Can you describe the outcome you're looking to achieve in this scenario? What type of message would you want to source from Grafana and send to your IoT device? Is this IoT device running FreeRTOS or AWS IoT Greengrass (or using the AWS IoT SDK)?

profile pictureAWS
answered 2 years ago
  • I just want to send command to start and stop a motor , and to reset alarms



Amazon Grafana---> IOT rule ---->send Mqtt

The rules engine would not likely be involved for downlink. More likely you would use an SDK and call the HTTP iot-data publish API. For example, with boto3:

Amazon Managed Grafana doesn't yet support third party plugins so you, can't for example, install a button panel like this: If you would like to see this supported, please make your voice heard here: A workaround is to perhaps spin up your own Grafana in EC2 and install a button panel.

It should be possible however to use AMG to send automated messages in response to alarm conditions. If an AMG alert triggers a notification on SNS, a Lambda could be used to process the SNS message and publish back to the device.

profile pictureAWS
answered a year ago

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