Charge for download Get-S3PreSignedURL inside AWS network?


I want to have RDS SQL Server SQL Agent job import data from a S3 Get-S3PreSignedURL source using a Powershell script job step.

Since this is inside the AWS framework (The RDS server is AWS and the S3 link is AWS and both are my account) do I get charged for the transfer of the data from the S3 to my RDS SQL Server instance?

1 Answer

Hi, there is no change for transferring the data between S3 to the VPC where the RDS is running as long they are in the same region (

However, if your RDS instance is running on a private subnet you might need to setup a NAT gateway (or 2 for high availability ) to reach Internet and the S3 bucket. In this case you will pay for the NAT gateway.

To avoid that cost you could use a VPC Gateway endpoint that will allow you to reach the S3 bucket directly from the internal AWS network and without the need of paying a NAT gateway.

answered a year ago
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reviewed 4 months ago

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