Amazon SES for personal email?


I host my website using Lightsail and I was wondering if I can use Amazon SES for my personal email, is this the right service or should I look into other options?

asked 5 years ago2506 views
3 Answers

Hi Sosadinho,

While Amazon SES is capable of receiving email, it doesn't provide an IMAP server for incoming mail. This means that you can't use Amazon SES with an email client (such as Outlook or Thunderbird) to receive email.

We do have a service called Amazon WorkMail, which offers a lot of the benefits of Amazon SES, but also includes more traditional email features. For example, it includes an IMAP server, as well as a web-based client. You can learn more at

Thanks for using Amazon Web Services!

Brent @ AWS

answered 5 years ago

Hi Brent, Thank you!!

By any chance, Do you know how many email aliases I can have per user account? I couldn't find that information on the features or user guide.

Kind Regards

Edited by: Sosadinho on Apr 2, 2019 12:23 AM

answered 5 years ago
answered 5 years ago

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