Quicksight questions


Hello, I a few questions from a customer about quicksight: Can it calculate days between certain dates?  Can I do queries like in SQL?  Can it compare between different analyses? E.g if I analyse a file one day and days later I analyse another file, can I compare those?

asked 7 years ago398 views
1 Answer
Accepted Answer
  1. Can QS calculate days between certain dates? Yes, the dateDiff buit-in function does exactly that. See Working with calculated fields to get more details.

  2. Can I do queries like in SQL? Yes, when you create a data source in QS, you can specify your own custom SQL queries. See Adding a SQL Query

  3. Can it compare between different analyses? E.g if I analyse a file one day and days later I analyse another file, can I compare those? You can do different things here. Couple of possibilities that come to may mind are to have a data source that has a field that identifies when data was loaded/extracted, say loaddate. Then create a visualization that uses loaddate as a dimension. You may also create a data source based on a union query that brings data from two or more days.

Hope that helps.

answered 7 years ago

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