Can’t sign in to AWS Console App on iOS


I just downloaded the mobile app and I tried logging in, but can’t get it to work. I am using Identity Center credentials to log in and it seems like it is related to MFA because the user and password go OK, but the screen after that shows an “It’s not you, it’s us. Try again later” error. I have as MFA devices on this user 2 Yubikeys and an ios Passkey (I know I know, 3 is a lot but bear with me), and I don’t even get a prompt for any.

Any idea on where the error is or do I just need to go remove devices from the account and retest until it works?

I really don’t want to create an IAM user for this

1 Answer

Try reinstalling the app and login again. If it doesn't work, then I'd suggest you review if AWS Identity Center in your region is working:

answered a year ago

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