AWS SSM Patch Manager patch-baseline-operations 1.139 / AWS-RunPatchBaseline error


It seems someone didn't check this against Ubuntu 24.04 on arm64.

Using python binary: 'python3'
Using Python Version: Python 3.12.3
09/02/2024 04:49:09 root [INFO]: Downloading payload from
09/02/2024 04:49:09 root [INFO]: Attempting to import entrance file os_selector
09/02/2024 04:49:09 root [ERROR]: Error loading entrance module.
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/var/log/amazon/ssm/patch-baseline-operations/", line 202, in execute
    entrance_module = __import__(module_name)
  File "/var/log/amazon/ssm/patch-baseline-operations/", line 11, in <module>
    import common_os_selector_methods
  File "/var/log/amazon/ssm/patch-baseline-operations/", line 12, in <module>
    from patch_common.baseline_override import load_baseline_override
  File "/var/log/amazon/ssm/patch-baseline-operations/patch_common/", line 6, in <module>
    from patch_common.downloader import download_file, load_json_file, is_access_denied
  File "/var/log/amazon/ssm/patch-baseline-operations/patch_common/", line 14, in <module>
    from patch_common.client_selector import get_default_client
  File "/var/log/amazon/ssm/patch-baseline-operations/patch_common/", line 2, in <module>
    import boto3
  File "/var/log/amazon/ssm/patch-baseline-operations/boto3/", line 16, in <module>
    from boto3.session import Session
  File "/var/log/amazon/ssm/patch-baseline-operations/boto3/", line 17, in <module>
    import botocore.session
  File "/var/log/amazon/ssm/patch-baseline-operations/botocore/", line 28, in <module>
    import botocore.configloader
  File "/var/log/amazon/ssm/patch-baseline-operations/botocore/", line 19, in <module>
    from botocore.compat import six
  File "/var/log/amazon/ssm/patch-baseline-operations/botocore/", line 26, in <module>
    from urllib3 import exceptions
  File "/var/log/amazon/ssm/patch-baseline-operations/urllib3/", line 8, in <module>
    from .connectionpool import (
  File "/var/log/amazon/ssm/patch-baseline-operations/urllib3/", line 11, in <module>
    from .exceptions import (
  File "/var/log/amazon/ssm/patch-baseline-operations/urllib3/", line 2, in <module>
    from .packages.six.moves.http_client import (
ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'urllib3.packages.six.moves'
09/02/2024 04:49:09 root [ERROR]: No module named 'urllib3.packages.six.moves'
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/var/log/amazon/ssm/patch-baseline-operations/", line 202, in execute
    entrance_module = __import__(module_name)
  File "/var/log/amazon/ssm/patch-baseline-operations/", line 11, in <module>
    import common_os_selector_methods
  File "/var/log/amazon/ssm/patch-baseline-operations/", line 12, in <module>
    from patch_common.baseline_override import load_baseline_override
  File "/var/log/amazon/ssm/patch-baseline-operations/patch_common/", line 6, in <module>
    from patch_common.downloader import download_file, load_json_file, is_access_denied
  File "/var/log/amazon/ssm/patch-baseline-operations/patch_common/", line 14, in <module>
    from patch_common.client_selector import get_default_client
  File "/var/log/amazon/ssm/patch-baseline-operations/patch_common/", line 2, in <module>
    import boto3
  File "/var/log/amazon/ssm/patch-baseline-operations/boto3/", line 16, in <module>
    from boto3.session import Session
  File "/var/log/amazon/ssm/patch-baseline-operations/boto3/", line 17, in <module>
    import botocore.session
  File "/var/log/amazon/ssm/patch-baseline-operations/botocore/", line 28, in <module>
    import botocore.configloader
  File "/var/log/amazon/ssm/patch-baseline-operations/botocore/", line 19, in <module>
    from botocore.compat import six
  File "/var/log/amazon/ssm/patch-baseline-operations/botocore/", line 26, in <module>
    from urllib3 import exceptions
  File "/var/log/amazon/ssm/patch-baseline-operations/urllib3/", line 8, in <module>
    from .connectionpool import (
  File "/var/log/amazon/ssm/patch-baseline-operations/urllib3/", line 11, in <module>
    from .exceptions import (
  File "/var/log/amazon/ssm/patch-baseline-operations/urllib3/", line 2, in <module>
    from .packages.six.moves.http_client import (
ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'urllib3.packages.six.moves'

Could someone from Amazon open an internal bug about this? thanks in advance.

asked a month ago61 views
2 Answers


Kindly note that this is not a bug.

Ubuntu 24.04 is not currently supported by Patch Manager

For a list of currently supported Operating systems, kindly visit the link below

For now we recommend patching the OS manually until support for Ubuntu 24.04 is added.

answered a month ago
  • It's been out for 5 months and it's a relatively simple bug. Are the SSM patch payloads in need of a maintainer or something? Also, python2 has been EOL since Jan 1st 2020. "six" is a python2 to python3 compatibility layer. Sooooo, what's the excuse?



As per the below documentation, SSM patch Manager currently supports the below Ubuntu OS versions :

Ubuntu Server 14.04 LTS, 16.04 LTS, 18.04 LTS, 20.04 LTS, 20.10 STR, 22.04 LTS, and 23.04

Therefore, this is not considered a bug since Ubuntu 24.04 is not officially supported by SSM Patch Manager yet. All new OS releases are not supported by default until they are explicitly added by the Patch Manage team.

In addition to that, Patch Manager currently supports Python versions 2.6 - 3.10 as the Ubuntu 24.04 O.S ships with Python 3.12.3, which is also currently not supported.

I kindly request you to keep checking the link above for when Ubuntu 24.04 will be added. After its added, you can try patching using Patch Manager again.

answered a month ago
  • I've found that a lot of SSM either hasn't been tested properly or is otherwise unsupported. For example, I can't install CodeDeploy via SSM's document on either 22.04 or 24.04 on arm64.

    In either case, yes, it is a bug, I don't really care if you support decade-old versions of ubuntu, the fact is that you don't support the current LTS version as of today and your ubuntu/arm support has been broken with every feature I've attempted to use so far. Python 2 has been EOL for more than 4 years. There's only 2 LTS versions of ubuntu in that list that actually have active ongoing support as per their matrix:

    I'm really not sure what that team's been doing for the last 6 months, but it really seems like maintaining the core of why people use SSM isn't on that list.

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