Applying for AWS Cloud Credits for Research: Is Amazon Bedrock Included?


I am in the process of applying for research credits through, and the application form requests a pricing calculator link. However, I couldn't find an option to include pricing for Amazon Bedrock in the calculator. Given that I intend to use Amazon Bedrock for my research project, I wanted to know if there is an option to apply for research credits specifically for Amazon Bedrock, or are there any alternative options available to get credits to use Bedrock?

asked a year ago688 views
1 Answer
Accepted Answer


Have a look at

What services are eligible for credits? 

Eligible services can be found once credit has been redeemed into your account. If you require the use of a specific service, please indicate in your proposal so we can ensure that the service is credit-eligible. 

So, basically, any service can be eligible as long you detail your need in your proposal.



profile pictureAWS
answered a year ago
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reviewed 6 months ago
  • Thank you Didier!

  • Emma, you're very welcome! Wish you a successful research on Bedrock: working with it myself as well.

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