How to change browser tab headers for website hosted on S3


I have a website through S3 with a Cloudfront distribution in front of it. The title of the tab for the website homepage has the domain title, but the title of every page just says "Document." How can I change this so that each page of my website shows the domain title in the browser tab title?

1 Answer

The title of the browser tab for any web page is determined by the following:

  • If the web page contains a <title></title> tag pair, then the text between those tags will become the title of the browser tab.
  • If the web page does not contain a <title></title> tag pair, then the default title kicks in, which is the domain name of the website.

If you are getting "Document" as the title of the browser tab, that means the web page specifically contains "Document" within the <title></title> tag pair, like: <title>Document</title>

You can view the HTML source of the web page to verify this.

In short, having a CloudFront distribution in no way changes the web page's title that appears in the browser tab. Hence, to have the domain name in the browser of any web page, ensure that the web page does not contain the <title></title> tag pair.

answered 2 years ago

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