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I think it is possible to use it. We have an example of a movie creation using AWS Thinkbox Deadline and Amazon FSx for NetApp ONTAP.
https://twitter.com/awscloud_jp/status/1596049926768582656?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw%7Ctwcamp%5Etweetembed%7Ctwterm%5E 1596049926768582656%7Ctwgr%5E116b8f5ac12e24f0452769e940bf1cd21d9c02fd%7Ctwcon%5Es1_&ref_url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.itmedia.co.jp%2Fnews %2Farticles%2F2211%2F28%2Fnews131.html
AWS Thinkbox Deadline is a service provided by Amazon Nimble Studio.
As this is a case study response, we recommend that you get support and pre-build the system before actually using it.
Hi there, if you are looking for a high performance FSx option for Amazon Nimble Studio, i would leverage FSx for Lustre.
Thank you for checking it. Yes, FSx for Lustre is an option, but I would like to ask for FSx for ONTAP. In addition to Cost Efficiencies(Tiering/Deduplication/Compression/Compaction) I mentioned above, Hight Availability(SLA 99.99%/SLA99.9% for Single/Multi AZ), Agility by Cloning(FlexClone) and other features available for it.
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Yes, I am in Japan and know well the case of the one you put the link using EC2 for AWS Thinkbox Deadline and mount with FSx for ONTAP. But the Nimble Studio cannot choose FSx for ONTAP as an option of storage from the beginning of the release of it, and I sent the feature request for AWS support for this use case last August, but seems no progress in documentation at this moment.