About last name issue face at time of examination by pearson VUE


My name is Deepank, and I am writing to bring to your attention a discrepancy that occurred during my recent exam session.

I was scheduled to take my exam on December 30th at 1:45 P.M., and during the ID verification process, the proctor noted that my ID does not include a last name. My legal name is Deepank, and I do not have a last name. However, during the examination certification process, I was required to input both a first name and a last name as Deepank Deepank respectively, leading to a mismatch. CASE ID:-10735277 Candidate ID:- AWS04142852 The proctor advised me to contact your team to address this issue and reschedule OR refund my exam without incurring any additional costs. I would appreciate your assistance in resolving this matter promptly, as it has implications for my ability to take the exam as originally planned.

I understand that such situations may arise, and I am confident that your team will be able to provide a solution efficiently. Please let me know if any further information or documentation is required from my end to facilitate the process. REGISTRATION ID:- 467172993

asked 8 months ago228 views
1 Answer

Hey Deepank

Yes names on ID and Account can be a sticking point.
But your best bet is probably https://www.aws.training/support rather than repost.
If none of the FAQs help then there is a link to the support form (https://support.aws.amazon.com/#/contacts/aws-training)

Hope this helps and good luck on your exam.

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answered 8 months ago
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reviewed 5 months ago
  • I am not getting any reply from aws support team Please help me , its since 6 days i mailed them.

  • Urgent I am not getting any reply from this https://www.aws.training/support Please help me as soon as possible

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